Professional PHP to EXE Compiler for Windows
Turn PHP and HTML into apps...
Are you a PHP or Web developer?
Want to quickly create Windows apps?
Want to protect your code and sell your creations?
Want to deploy your app as simple as sending a single file to users?
ExeOutput for PHP combines the PHP runtime and all source files (PHP, HTML, JS, assets...) into one single EXE.
End users launch your portable EXE and that's all
No firewall conflict
No Apache install
Easy distribution
PHP pages and websites are displayed in a custom secure web browser that can be customized at will
Create GUI with ribbons, toolbars, menubars and so on
ExeOutput can run complex apps
such as WordPress
Yes, it is possible to create
desktop apps based on WordPress
PHP frameworks can be used
in your ExeOutput projects
such as Laravel, CodeIgniter...
HTML5, JavaScript
CSS3, video, audio,
thanks to the embedded Chromium engine
Developer Tools inside your app
easily track problems
Full database support for your app
Include a portable MySQL server or use SQLite or any other!
Configure your PHP app visually
All important settings are configured directly in ExeOutput for PHP. No JSON complication...
Ready to try? It's free!
Start creating and selling your HTML and PHP apps!
Wow... We need to build a similar app!
This app was built with ExeOutput for PHP