Security - Licensing

ExeOutput for PHP lets you secure your PHP applications by turning them into single executable files.

These executable files can also be protected with Obsidium. The latter also offers great licensing features: you can sell licenses of your applications to your end users and earn money.

Hardware-locking license keys can also be used, so that customers can't share their licenses with others. This ensures reduced piracy of your PHP apps.

To enable support for the Obsidium API in your PHP application, you must check the option Enable third-party Obsidium software protection API in Output Filename. Thus, ExeOutput for PHP will use a special version of the EXE stub.


You must first install the Obsidium API package using the Web Update utility.

If you protect your application with Obsidium, it is possible to invoke the Obsidium APIs directly from PHP or HEScript. The Obsidium API package includes a script file named obsidiumAPI.xml that can be imported into the Scripts page. The script file is installed in the "CEFRuntime" subfolder of ExeOutput's installation folder.